Wisconsin Online 30-Hour Teen Course can be taken on any computer, tablet or smartphone! This course has been approved by the Wisconsin DOT/DMV.
Involved in Sports, Band, Choir, Work, etc? This course is for YOU! Work from home and complete your Wisconsin Driver’s Education requirements. Work at YOUR pace on YOUR time schedule.
Fulfill your Wisconsin Driver’s Education Classroom requirements all Online.
Because you don't have to step foot in a classroom, our driver's education programs are available whenever you can work them into your busy schedule. WI law requires the course to span over a period of 19 days with up to 2 hours of instructional time per day.

2024 CLASSROOM Course Dates
February 25 (future dates will be announced when scheduled)
Classroom Course - 30 hours | Behind the Wheel - 6 hours |
Observation - 6 hours
Student agrees to abide by the Rules of the School - DRIVING STARS, LLC
Will complete 30 Hours of WIDOT certified instruction & will not miss more than 2 class (4 hours).
The DRIVING STARS, LLC driver education car may be used for the State road test.
(Instructor's permission required) Fee for this service is $100.00
A charge will be made for each behind-the-wheel lesson a student misses, which was not cancelled twenty-four (24) hours in advance - $50.00
DRIVING STARS, LLC will NOT refund any tuition if the School is ready, willing and able to fulfill its part of the agreement.
*Driving Stars, LLC instructors have the final decision if you or your student (under the age of 18) is or is not ready to take a state road test.
This agreement constitutes the entire contract between DRIVING STARS, LLC & the student, and no verbal statement or promises will be recognized. You can pay your tuition either by cash, check or online.

Parents must certify that their son or daughter has obtained a minimum of 30 hours of supervised driving, with at least 10 hours at night.
Click here to download your Driving Log form. This form is to keep track of driving time and experience.
Each hour of supervised driving experience, while accompanied by a qualified instructor, may be considered as 2 hours of driving experience, with a maximum of 5 instructor-supervised hours to be able to be counted in this manner.
The DRIVING STARS, LLC driver education car may be used for the State road test. (Instructor's permission required) Fee for this service is $100.00
DRIVING STARS, LLC will NOT refund any tuition if the School is ready, willing and able to fulfill its part of the agreement.
This agreement constitutes the entire contract between DRIVING STARS, LLC and the student, and no verbal statement or promises will be recognized.